科里L. Laxson

Year Started at Paul Smith’s:  2002
部门: The School of Natural Resource Management and Ecology
计划: 渔业 & 野生动物科学


I am a western New Yorker by birth, but an Adirondacker by choice. I first moved to the area in the mid 1990’s to attend Paul Smiths College as an Ecology and Environmental 技术 student. On the first day of class I realized three things, that I wanted to live in the Adirondacks for the rest of my life, I wanted to be a biologist and I wanted to be a teacher – so far so good. My main area of interest is aquatic ecology. I am particularly curious about aquatic invertebrates and their interaction with fish, stream insect communities and invasive aquatic plants. My interests are not just in the water, I am also interested in teaching and learning about mammals, amphibians and tropical ecology. I really enjoy working with students on scientific research; some recent projects are listed below.

盖茨,米. 2011. Investigation of food selectivity in the shredding Trichoptera using stable isotope analysis.

布拉德利K. 2008. Composition and diel periodicity of macroinvertebrate drift in streams of the Northern Adirondacks (New York, 美国).

大炮,D. 2008. Is rock snot (Didymosphenia geminata) impacting macroinvertebrate abundance and diversity in the White River, 佛蒙特州?

Audette C. 2006. Food web dynamics and vertical migration of the Chaoborus population in Lower Saint Regis Lake.

华盛顿,T. 2006. Viability of the Eurasian water-milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) seed bank in the sediments of Upper Saranac Lake.

约翰逊,T. 2005. Effect of lake basin slope and topography on the distribution of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in a small Adirondack pond.

Bratten E. 2005. Comparison of small mammal abundance and species diversity between riparian and upland habitats of the Smitty Creek Watershed.

尼得T. 2004. Temporal shifts in the diet composition of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) in Lower Saint Regis Lake.

老板,米. 2004. Creation of a region specific percent model affinity index (PMA) to monitor Adirondack water quality using benthic macroinvertebrates.

Interests and 活动

Understanding the environmental impacts of roadways, Evaluating the response of native aquatic plants to the establishment and management of Eurasian watermilfoil. Hydrology and nutrient loading in Upper Saranac Lake. Foodweb dynamics of Cercopagis pengoi in Lake Ontario.

我喜欢徒步旅行, 骑自行车, 浮潜, 陶瓷, 滑雪, 滑雪, and having nerdy conversations with other academic types.

Academic Background

2002 M.Sc State University of NY, College at Brockport Aquatic Ecology
2000 B.S State University of NY, College at Brockport Biology – Zoology
1998 AAS Paul Smiths College Ecology Env. 技术


2012       凯尔特人,D.L.拉克森,C.L.,和E.C. Yerger

Regional analysis of the effect of paved roads on the sodium and chloride levels of lakes. Water Research 46: 2749-2758

2010       凯尔特人,D.L和C.L. Laxson

Cost and effectiveness of hand-harvesting to control Eurasian water milfoil in Upper Saranac Lake NY. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management. 48: 1-5

2010       Laxson C.科廷,D.,和E. Yerger

Aquatic Plant Survey of the Fulton Chain of Lakes. Prepared for the Town of Inlet, N.Y.

2010       凯尔特人,D.L和C.L. Laxson

Review of Effects and Costs of Road De-icing with Recommendation for Winter Road Management in the Adirondack Park. AWI Report 2010-1, prepared for ADKaction.org

2009       凯尔特人,D.霍姆伦德,E.,和C. Laxson

Aquatic nuisance species prevention program for the Eckford chain of lakes. Prepared for the Community Foundation of Herkimer and Oneida Counties.

2008       丘鹬,T.埃文斯,C.拉克森,C.塔克,R.艾伦·J.米胡克,J.艾伦,E.,和J. Mihuc

Land use designation and vegetation community structure in the Adirondack uplands (New York, 美国). Applied Vegetation Science. Published online, Opulus Press Uppsala

2003       Laxson C.L.麦克菲德兰·K.马凯维茨,J.C.里维尔,我.K. 和H.J. MacIssac

Effects of the nonindigenous cladoceran Cercopagis pengoi on the lower food web of Lake Ontario. Freshwater Biology. 48 (12) 2094-2106

2002       Makarewicz J.,达马斯基,E.拉克森,C

Seasonal and vertical distribution, food web dynamics and contaminant biomagnification of Cercopagis pengoi in Lake Ontario. Pages 132-141 in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species, 25-28 February 2002, 亚历山大, VA. The Professional Edge, Pembroke, ON.


BIO 363哺乳动物
BIO 467 Aquatic Invertebrates
CHM 399 Analytical Methods in Environmental Research
FWS 431 Aquatic Plants

Relevant Work Experience

2007 – Adirondack Watershed Institute of Paul Smiths College Research Associate
2003 – 2005 Adirondack Upland Watershed Project Research Associate
2002 – Paul Smiths College Instructor – Biological Sciences
2000 -2002 Department of Biology, SUNY Brockport Teaching Assistant
1998-2002 Center for Applied Aquatic Ecology and Aquaculture Research Assistant
1997 Adirondack Park Agency Naturalist, 访问ors Interpretive Center

科里L. Laxson


Research Associate, AWI / Instructor
Paolozzi Center 202
(518) 327-6101